AI for Legal Document Review & How Legal Teams Utilise AI

AI for Legal Document Review & How Legal Teams Utilise AI

Faruk Sahin, VP Product


Jun 11, 2024

Screenshot of Pocketlaw's AI-Powered Document Review software, displaying contract review status with critical and review issues highlighted, alongside a chat window for user assistance, demonstrating its impact on discovery workflows.

The integration of AI in legal document review has revolutionised modern legal practices. As the volume of documents and data increases, AI technologies offer unprecedented efficiencies and accuracy, helping legal teams navigate the complexities of document analysis and management.

This article explores the significance of artificial intelligence in legal document review, the processes involved, and the impact on the legal profession.

What is AI Document Review?

AI document review refers to the use of AI to analyse, sort, and extract information from legal documents. It employs machine learning algorithms, natural language processing (NLP), and optical character recognition (OCR) to interpret texts, making the review process faster and more accurate.

AI in document review has a rich history. Early systems relied on basic keyword matching, which proved inefficient for complex legal documents. Advancements in machine learning ushered in a new era, allowing AI to learn and improve over time. Today's AI can recognise legal concepts and nuances, making it a powerful tool for legal professionals, saving them time and money.

Additionally, legal AI review tools help non-legal individuals quickly understand the content of documents. While these tools do not replace legal expertise, they provide significant assistance up to a certain point, enabling users to navigate and comprehend legal texts more effectively.

Icons representing best practices for AI document review: Data Collection, Document Sorting, Relevance Assessment, and Detailed Analysis.

AI and the Legal Document Review Processes

AI's integration into legal document review processes encompasses various stages, each enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of document handling. The typical steps in document review include data collection, document sorting, relevance assessment, and detailed analysis.

  1. Data Collection: AI systems can automatically collect and organize vast amounts of data from multiple sources, ensuring no relevant document is overlooked.

  2. Document Sorting: Using machine learning algorithms, AI categorises documents based on relevance, type, and content, streamlining the review process.

  3. Relevance Assessment: AI technologies assess the importance of each document, highlighting key information and flagging irrelevant data.

  4. Detailed Analysis: AI provides in-depth analysis, identifying patterns, inconsistencies, and potential risks within documents.

AI streamlines document review process by automating tasks, reducing errors, and speeding up the process. Automated tools quickly analyse contracts, identifying critical clauses and risks. NDA analysis benefits similarly, with AI detecting sensitive information and compliance issues.

Various AI techniques enhance legal document analysis, such as text classification, entity recognition, and sentiment analysis. These methods enable legal teams to gain deeper insights into document contents, facilitating better decision-making and risk management.

TAR (Technology-assisted Review)

Technology-assisted review (TAR) is a process that combines human expertise with AI technologies to streamline document review. It offers legal teams the ability to review large volumes of documents more efficiently and accurately by leveraging AI's capabilities in data processing and pattern recognition.

In TAR, AI document review can be conducted by training the system on a subset of manually reviewed documents, known as a "seed set." The AI algorithm learns from this set to identify relevant information in the remaining documents. Legal professionals then review AI's findings, refine the system iteratively.

TAR offers several benefits to legal teams, including cost savings, improved accuracy, and the ability to handle large volumes of data efficiently. Improving on traditional manual reviews, TAR provides consistent results, reducing the risk of human error.

Generative AI

Generative AI, within a legal context, refers to AI systems that can create new content, such as drafting legal documents or generating summaries. These AI models use advanced machine learning techniques to understand and produce human-like text, assisting legal teams in document creation and analysis.

While Technology-Assisted Review (TAR) relied on pre-existing data sets to train the AI, Generative AI can learn and improve without the need for manually labeled data. This eliminates the bottleneck of needing a large set of pre-classified documents to train the system. Additionally, Generative AI can not only identify relevant documents but also generate completely new, yet relevant, content. This allows legal teams to explore entirely new avenues of investigation and uncover hidden connections within the data.

Generative AI offers numerous benefits for legal teams, including increased productivity, consistency in document creation, and the ability to generate high-quality drafts quickly. This technology can handle repetitive drafting tasks, allowing lawyers to focus on more strategic aspects of their work.

AI document review can utilise Generative AI to create summaries of large documents, draft responses, and even generate new legal documents based on predefined templates. Compared to other methods, Generative AI provides a more creative and flexible approach to document review and creation, enhancing the overall efficiency of legal teams.

However, it is important to note that Generative AI can suffer from hallucinations, where it generates incorrect or nonsensical information. Therefore, everything produced by Generative AI should ideally be checked by an expert to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Use Cases for AI Legal Document Review

AI document review offers numerous practical applications, transforming how legal professionals manage and analyse documents. Here are some key use cases:

AI Legal Document Review & Summarise

AI technologies can identify risks, detect inconsistencies, and flag critical information in documents. For example, in contract review, AI can highlight clauses that deviate from standard terms, identify missing information, and provide summaries of lengthy documents, ensuring lawyers can quickly grasp essential details.

AI can review various types of legal documents, including contracts, NDAs, legal opinions, and compliance documents. By automating the review process, AI helps legal teams manage large volumes of documents efficiently, ensuring accuracy and compliance.

AI Legal Document Generation & Drafting

AI assists in drafting legal documents by generating initial drafts based on predefined templates and guidelines. This capability speeds up the drafting process, ensures consistency, and allows lawyers to focus on refining and customising the documents to meet specific client needs.

AI Legal Document Analysis & Interpretation

AI tools analyse legal documents to extract relevant information, identify patterns, and provide insights. This analysis helps lawyers understand complex documents, identify potential issues, and make informed decisions.

AI Legal Document Translation & Localisation

AI-powered translation tools can accurately translate legal documents, ensuring they are accessible in multiple languages. This capability is crucial for international legal practices, enabling seamless communication and understanding across different jurisdictions.

AI in Legal Document Assistance (Case Narratives)

AI helps in creating case narratives by analysing case files, extracting key facts, and organising information coherently. This assistance allows lawyers to build stronger cases and present information more effectively.


AI enhances e-discovery processes by automating the identification, collection, and analysis of electronic documents relevant to legal cases. This automation significantly reduces the time and effort required for e-discovery, ensuring thorough and accurate results.

The Impact of AI for Legal Documents on Legal Teams and Lawyers

AI addresses several legal challenges by automating research, document drafting, and analysis. Legal teams benefit from increased efficiency, reduced errors, and the ability to handle large volumes of work more effectively. AI transforms legal workflows, optimising resource management and reducing costs.

By integrating AI, legal teams can focus on strategic tasks, improve decision-making, and provide better client services. The automation of routine tasks allows lawyers to dedicate more time to complex legal issues, enhancing overall productivity and job satisfaction.

Image highlighting best practices for legal document review processes - Define Clear Objectives, Data Quality Management, Continuous Training, Human Oversight, Privacy and Security, Collaborative Approach

Best Practices for AI Document Review

Best practices for AI implementation include defining clear objectives, managing data quality, continuous training, human oversight, privacy/security measures, and fostering collaboration between legal teams and AI experts.

To maximise the benefits of AI in document review, legal teams should adopt the following best practices:

  1. Define Clear Objectives: Establish clear goals for AI implementation, ensuring alignment with the firm's overall strategy.

  2. Data Quality Management: Ensure high-quality data input to improve AI accuracy and reliability.

  3. Continuous Training: Regularly update and train AI models to adapt to changing legal requirements and document types.

  4. Human Oversight: Maintain human oversight to validate AI findings and address any anomalies.

  5. Privacy and Security: Implement robust privacy and security measures to protect sensitive legal data.

  6. Collaborative Approach: Foster collaboration between legal teams and AI experts to ensure successful integration and optimal results.

AI for Document Review in the Future

Recent advancements in artificial intelligence, including generative AI, natural language processing (NLP), and multi-modal AI, are transforming various industries. Significant investments in AI research and development have propelled these technologies forward, with predictions indicating substantial growth in the years to come  This surge in AI capabilities is poised to revolutionise the legal field, particularly in the realm of document review.

The future of AI in law looks promising, with AI playing a crucial role in automating complex legal tasks, enhancing decision-making, and providing deeper insights. As AI technology continues to evolve, legal professionals can expect even greater efficiencies and capabilities in their workflows.

Pocketlaw is at the forefront of these advancements, continuously innovating to provide legal professionals and business teams with cutting-edge AI tools for everything about legal. By integrating AI into various aspects of legal workflows, Pocketlaw significantly enhances efficiency and accuracy in several key areas.

Drafting: Pocketlaw leverages AI to streamline the drafting process, automating the creation of complex legal documents. This not only reduces the time spent on manual drafting but also minimises errors, ensuring documents are accurate and compliant with relevant regulations.

E-Discovery  and organisation of content with metadata tagging: Pocketlaw automatically metadata tags all the content with a wide variety of attributes such as notice date, termination date, automatic renewal, counter parties to help you organize your content, browse and search as efficiently as possible.

PLAI: Pocketlaw’s PLAI Assistant supports with everything from drafting, reviewing and understanding documents to creating summaries. You can basically ask any question around your contracts and get instant answers.

AI Contract Review: One of the standout features of Pocketlaw is its AI contract review tool. This tool can automatically review and analyse contracts based on your company playbooks, highlighting potential issues, suggesting improvements, and ensuring compliance with legal standards. This not only speeds up the review process but also enhances the quality and reliability of contract management.

Complementing these AI capabilities, Pocketlaw offers a suite of all-in-one solutions that integrate seamlessly into business workflows. These include e-signing, approval workflows, and other essential legal processes. By providing a comprehensive platform, Pocketlaw ensures that all aspects of legal work are connected, streamlined, and efficient.

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Please note: Pocketlaw is not a substitute for an attorney or law firm. So, should you have any legal questions on the content of this page, please get in touch with a qualified legal professional.

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