Simplify talent management

Contract Automation
Get candidates signed 10x faster
Hiring and maintaining the best talent is tricky enough. With our automated, all-in-one, contract creation tool you'll spend less time on contract admin so you can put your energy on the things that matters.
"A contract can now be drafted, negotiated, and signed in as little as 2 days"
Lorna Khemraz, Legal Counsel - Teya
All contracts in one place
Create, handle and safely store all HR related documents in one place. Set reminders to never miss the end of a probationary period and easily find the contracts you need using meta data tags and free-text search.
Template Library
Up-to-date employment agreements
With our template library, you don't have to worry about keeping up with the law as it changes. We do that for you. All our contract templates are created and updated by qualified lawyers, so you can be confident you are using the most up-to-date one.
Lorna Khemraz, Senior Legal Counsel
David Grünbaum, General Counsel
Jade Bouhmouch, Chief Financial Officer